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All the IC summer bus trips are open to IC community, friends, and family.

New York -- spend a day on your own in the Big Apple.
Date: Saturday, June 19
Cost: $35.00/person
Leaves IC 6:00 a.m.; leaves New York for the return trip 8:00 p.m.
Lots of things to do in New York City -- shop, museums, visit Trump Tower or take the ferry to Ellis Island or the Statue of Liberty. Enjoy a piece of New York cheesecake at the Carnegie Deli.
Sign up by June 4.

Hershey Park and Zoo America
Date: Saturday, June 26
Cost: (including the bus and a ticket to Hershey Park and Zoo America)
Age 1-2 free
Age 3-8 $50.00
Age 9-54 $55.00
Age 55-69 $50.00
Age 70+ $45.00
Leaves IC 7:00 a.m.; leaves Hershey Park for the return trip 7:00 p.m.
Sign up by June 12th to order tickets.

New York Yankees baseball game, New York Yankees vs Baltimore Orioles, Yankee Stadium
Date: Sunday, August 1
Cost: $80.00, including ticket and bus to Yankee Stadium; as a promotional giveaway, everyone will receive a Yankees pen
Game Time: 1:05 p.m.
Only 8 seats and tickets still available. Bus is almost full.
Contact Sue Vrzal, 274-3133, to sign up.

Contributed by Sue Vrzal

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