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We Continue: Contemporary Voices of the Haudenosaunee will be shown Thursday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Park Auditorium.

We Continue is a feature-length collaborative documentary by Ithaca College and representatives and members of the Haudenosaunee, and local affiliated groups. By turns introspective and instructive, this film explores the issues raised by the collaborators: how and why does one continue cultural traditions, the Native perspective on land claims, the environment and local history.

Among those working with the collaborative media arts class in the Park School were representatives from the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force (HETF), Friends of Gonondagan, the S.H.A.R.E. farm, Oren Lyons, Haudenosaunee Faithkeeper, Heriberto Dixon, United Nationz, Syracuse's Native hip-hop group, Pete Jemison, Wayne Keemer and Kelly Keemer, and featuring an original score by Dan Hill.

Running time: 54 minutes. Format: digital video. For more information or to arrange a screening, please contact Meg Jamieson.

Deepest thanks to all those who provided support, and to our collaborators, for sharing their wisdom and life experience toward an increase in understanding and cultural exchange. We have learned so much.

Collaborative Media Arts is supported by the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies and the cinema and photography department of the Park School. This is a component of the InVisible Histories Project, which is supported by a New Initiatives Grant, and the Office of the Provost.

Free and open to the public; special accommodations available

Contributed by Meg Jamieson

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