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Cinco de Mayo BBQ

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 05/04/04 

Dining services (Sodexho) has teamed up with the Student Government Association for a Cinco de Mayo celebration like no other.

Festive music, fun activities, and of course food will be the highlights of this event on May 5.

Dining services is bringing in a true culinary artist, Chef Matt Mantini, the executive chef for Sodexho Campus Services, to tantalize the Ithaca College community's taste buds, with his award winning Memphis BBQ.

Festivities start at 5:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Quad. So come on down for some delicious BBQ!

If you have a meal plan, this can be used as one of your meals. If you would like to enjoy this BBQ, and you don't have a meal plan, cash or ID Express are accepted forms of payment. Please note that Campus Center Dining Hall will close at 4:00 p.m. to prepare for this BBQ.

Contributed by Debra Meeker

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