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Alumni Weekend 2004

Contributed by Gretchen Van Valen on 05/06/04 

Get ready for Alumni Weekend 2004 -- June 4-6!

The Office of Alumni Relations invites all IC faculty and staff to join colleagues, alumni, and friends in a full schedule of events at Alumni Weekend.

One complimentary pass to Saturday's "Picnic and Party on the Quad" (June 5, 11:30 am-2:30 pm), is available to each member of the IC faculty and staff. To request a pass, contact, 274-1393 no later than May 27. No complimentary passes will be available after the May 27 deadline.

Bring your family! There will be lots of kids' activities at the picnic, including a Moonbounce, Kiddie Slide, volleyball, and more. Passes may be purchased for spouses, children, and guests ($10/adult; $5/child 6-12; under 6, free). To purchase additional passes for the "Picnic and Party on the Quad," please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 274-1393 by May 27.

Other events we encourage you to attend include (to name just a few):

  • Friday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm, Room 204, Center for Natural Sciences
    "Physics Circus" -- see a "three-ring show" of physics phenomena at 10:00 am and again at 1:00 pm. Or stop by any time to see demonstrations and get a chance to perform hands-on experiments.

  • Friday, 5:00-6:00 pm, Emerson Suites Lounge, Phillips Hall
    "Welcome-Back Happy Hour"

  • Saturday, 11:00 am, Clark Lounge, Campus Center
    Keynote presentation -- "New Advances in Space Exploration" with physics professor Luke Keller presenting.

  • Saturday, 5:00-6:00 pm, Emerson Suites Lounge, Phillips Hall
    All-College reception -- representatives from campus activity groups and departments are especially encouraged to attend this annual Alumni Weekend event to visit with alumni.

RSVP for your complimentary ticket and registration before the deadline, May 27. We hope to see you there!

For further information, see Alumni Weekend.

Contributed by Gretchen DeBolt

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