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I am pleased to announce that Bob Ullrich has agreed to stay on as dean of the Business School for the fall semester of 2004.

I am grateful to Dean Ullrich for his willingness to remain in his current role because it will allow for continuity in the office during the final stages of what we anticipate to be a successful effort to gain AACSB accreditation.

Following consultations with President Williams and Dean Ullrich, I have asked Raquib Zaman, the Charles A. Dana Professor of Finance and International Business, to take over as interim dean of the Business School for the spring semester and to serve until a permanent dean is on board. Prof. Zaman has graciously agreed to serve the school in this way.

Meanwhile, the search committee will continue to recruit eligible candidates for the deanship. The committee will reconvene in late August with the goal of conducting interviews later in the fall semester.

I want to thank Gwen Seaquist, chair of the search committee, and all of the other members of the committee who have worked so hard over the past few months, as well as the Business School faculty and staff, for their thoughtful input into the search process. I look forward to our work together as we continue the search for the next dean of the Business School.

Peter Bardaglio

Contributed by Peter Bardaglio

Ullrich to Stay on as Business School Dean through Fall | 0 Comments |
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