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Crisisline Counselor Training

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins on 05/12/04 

Paul Soper, assistant Crisisline coordinator of Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service, has asked to have this opportunity brought to the attention of the IC community.

Broaden your listening and communication skills by taking the Crisisline counselor training this summer at Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service. Volunteer counselors learn:
  • how to listen and communicate effectively
  • how to help people during times of crisis
  • how to prevent suicide and other violent behavior
  • how mental illness impacts life
  • how loss and trauma affect people
  • about other problems of living and how to help people manage them
  • about community resources for the wide variety of human needs
  • how to manage personal stress
Training dates are: July 6, 7, 12, 14, and 19. Once trained, counselors volunteer for shifts that fit their schedule. For more information, contact Paul or Judy at 272-1505 or

Paul Soper, assistant Crisisline coordinator
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service
124 E. Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 272-1505
Fax: (607) 272-1839
Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

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