For information about Isummer bus trips for family and friends, contact Sue Vrzal, 274-3133.
New York City
Saturday, June 19, $35.00/person
Leave IC at 6:00 a.m., leave New York City for the return at 8:00 p.m.
The bus is not full, so call and reserve your seat now the deadline to sign up is June 4.
Hershey Park and Zoo America
Saturday, June 26
The cost includes the bus and a ticket to Hershey Park and Zoo America
Call Sue and she can answer any questions regarding cost.
This is the third year we have gone to Hershey Park. What a fun day for everyone.
Movies will be shown on the bus and there will be food stops along the way.
The deadline to sign up for this trip is June 11. Lots of seats still available.
New York Yankees baseball game
All tickets for this game have been sold. If you want to be put on the waiting list for anyone canceling, please e-mail me (Sue Vrzal) with the name, address, and phone number of each person.
The game is Yankees vs Orioles; game time: 1:05 p.m. in Yankee Stadium.
Have a wonderful summer and please join us on the bus trips. Remember all trips all open to all friends and families of the Ithaca College Community.
Trips coming up for the fall
- New York State Fair, Syracuse -- August 29
- Seneca Casino, Niagara Falls -- October 23
- Shopping trip to outlets - November 6
- Holiday trip to New York -- Saturday, November 27 or Sunday, December 18; $35.00.
Thank you to all that have attended the bus trips this fifth year.
Contributed by Sue Vrzal