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Self-Defense Class for Women

Contributed by Amy Noble on 05/14/04 

The Office of Public Safety presents a self defense course for women.

The course is open to women students, staff, and faculty, as well as to female spouses and children of community members.

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) is designed to give women the ability to fight back in a threatening situation. This comprehensive course consists of four three-hour sessions that include lectures and discussions on risk awareness, risk prevention, risk reduction, risk avoidance, and basic hands-on defense training.

The RAD system teaches women realistic, practical self defense tactics and techniques and gives them the knowledge to make an educated decision about their personal defense.

A RAD course, sponsored by the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department, will be given on June 21, 23, 28, and 30. These classes will be held from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m. at the CFR building, located on Brown Road in Lansing. The building borders the airport runway.

An advocate has been invited to assist with any unexpected counseling needs that may arise during the training. There is a $10.00 fee for the self-defense manual that will be distributed at the first class.

We must hear from you by June 1 if you would like to attend the class. The class will be expected to have no fewer than 20 participants.

Contact the Deputy Caulkins, Deputy Woods, or Deputy Cowen at the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office at 257-1345; contact RAD instructor Amy Chilson; or contact the Office of Public Safety at 274-3333.

For more information, see RAD Systems.

Contributed by Amy Chilson

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