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Two cinema and photography faculty members have been awarded media arts grants.

Anna Siomopoulos, assistant professor, and Grace An, lecturer in cinema and photography, have both been awarded the Media Arts Technical Assistance (MATA) Grant from the Experimental Television Center to attend the prestigious 50th annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar in June at Vassar College. The grant recognized their contributions as associate producers and writers on the Arctic Requiem project and as emerging curators.

The MATA grants are designed to promote staff development of media arts professionals entering into and contributing to the public media environment. The highly competitive grants are reviewed by both the Experimental Television Center and the Electronic Media and Film Program staff of the New York State Council of the Arts, which funds the MATA program.

Arctic Requiem is a musical and multimedia reconception of the landmark documentary, Nanook of the North (Robert Flaherty, 1922) to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Robert Flaherty Film Seminars. Arctic Requiem is the result of a creative partnership between Ithaca College and International Film Seminars in New York. It had its world premiere at Ithaca College on April 26.

Contributed by Patricia R. Zimmermann

Cinema Studies Faculty Awarded Media Arts Grants | 0 Comments |
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