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The health promotion and substance abuse prevention program and the Center for Faculty Excellence announce the availability of two modest stipends to help support faculty members develop a course activity that uses recent Ithaca College data.

The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey and the National College Health Assessment are national surveys that have been administered at Ithaca College by the health promotion program over the last 5 years. Faculty members can use Ithaca College data to develop one or more hands-on exercises for students. Two $300 stipends will be awarded for use during summer 2004 and the deadline for proposals is June 21.

Exercises could be a segment in a class that relates to data analysis, a hands-on activity in a class that deals with health and substance issues, more extended analysis for a small group of students, or whatever the faculty can imagine.

For more information, see:

Questions may be sent to Susanne Morgan, director of the Center for Faculty Excellence or Priscilla Quirk, coordinator of health promotion and substance abuse prevention.

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

Curriculum Development Stipend Offered | 0 Comments |
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