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As you may be aware there are a number of events and programs at Ithaca College that bring hundreds of guests to campus during the summer months. Guests often inquire about the availability of Internet access while they are here, especially those who are staying in the Residence Halls.

Due to network security and support issues it is not currently feasible to provide unlimited, personalized Internet access accounts on ResNet for guests. However, the following options for Internet access are available:

  • Designated computers in the Library -- Library Schedule
  • Computers in the Rec Center, open noon-5:00 p.m. daily throughout the summer -- Recreation Center
  • Computers (Macs) in the Friends 110 computer lab -- Summer Schedule
  • Dial-up Internet access (guests in residence halls who wish to can arrange for this service on their own)
  • Please note that students who are registered in the Student Information System are eligible for standard ResNet access Ithaca College ResNet.

Campus guests who need Internet access in an academic or administrative building (such as for a vendor presentation) should have the sponsoring department contact the ITS Helpdesk, 274-3282, for assistance.

Contributed by Karen Sunderland

Internet Access for Campus Guests During Summer | 0 Comments |
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