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Summer Workshop Schedule Available

Contributed by Dan Barrow on 06/09/04 

ITS is excited to announce our summer workshop series. We can teach you about Word, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Excel, or FileMaker Pro in two hours or less!

We are also excited to announce a new workshop series devoted to helping you develop your website design and maintenance skills. This series of workshops includes beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics. Each workshop is an hour long and progressively teaches new skills. Our goal is to enable you to design and build clean, professional web pages. You can decide where to begin, or take the series from start to finish. The series, called Web Site Design, includes these workshops:

  • Intro I - Fundamentals of Dreamweaver MX
  • Intro II - HTML Basics
  • Intermediate I - Unified Design
  • Intermediate II - Creative Navigation
  • Intermediate III - Beyond Code
  • Advanced I - Online Forms
For a complete list of available workshops, their descriptions and times, and online sign-up, see Technology Learning Center.

We hope to see you in Friends 101 (TLC) this summer!

Contributed by Dan Barrow

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