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voICes Day of Learning Winners

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 06/17/04 

Thank you to everyone who joined our staff/faculty singing group, voICes, for a rousing singalong at the Day of Learning.

The winners of our door prizes were the following:

  • Kathy Farley (rec sports) -- The Best of the Beach Boys CD
  • Ben Snedeker (HR info) -- Piano Music Classics, Vol. 1 CD
  • Kate Brown (OMA) -- Piano Music Classics, Vol. 1 CD
  • Maria Russell (chemistry) -- IC Bombers T-shirt
  • Johanna Baker -- IC Bombers T-shirt
In the fall, voICes will resume our singing schedule and we would love to have you join us. Practices are usually Thursdays at noon and Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. Watch Intercom for details!

Contributed by Anne Woodard

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