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I am pleased to announce the appointment of Gregory Woodward, professor of music, as the dean of the Division of Graduate Studies for a three-year term beginning this summer.

Greg has served as chair of graduate programs in music since 1985 and has done an outstanding job as interim dean of graduate studies this past academic year. His extensive experience with all aspects of graduate programming will enable him to continue advancing the goals of the Division of Graduate Studies.

This appointment is a half-time position. Greg was selected following an internal search, and he will continue to teach a half-time load in the School of Music. I want to thank Carole Dennis and the other members of the search committee for their generous assistance with this process.

Please join me in congratulating Greg on his appointment to this key academic leadership position.

Peter Bardaglio

Contributed by Peter Bardaglio

Gregory Woodward Selected Dean of Graduate Studies | 0 Comments |
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