Women Swimmin' -- Join a group of local women in a swim across Cayuga Lake on Saturday, August 21, to benefit Hospicare, the organizer and sponsor of this event. Nonswimmers and men can volunteer in the flotilla and/or sponsor IC women swimming in the event.
What would it take to motivate you to swim across Cayuga Lake for fun? Would you be more inclined to try it if:
- you were joined by a group of Women Swimmin' to benefit Hospicare and Palliative Care Services of Tompkins County?
- you were accompanied by a flotilla of support boats with safety equipment and personnel?
- you could swim the event with or without a flotation device? (Noodles, life preservers, inner tubes, and swim fins are perfectly acceptable.)
- you were served breakfast, prepared by men from the Hospicare board, when you arrived at the Yacht Club after completing the 1.2-mile swim?
- you were swimming with other IC women in honor of Phil '70 and Holly '73 Tavelli. Phil is currently undergoing chemotherapy to treat the pancreatic cancer he was diagnosed with in March of this year. We hope that a significant number of IC staff, faculty, and alumni participate so that we send a very positive sign of support from the IC community.
If you are female, 18 years old or older, able to swim 72 lengths of the IC pool, and can collect $100.00 from sponsors by August 1, you are invited to participate in the noncompetitive swim. Participants will assemble at the Ithaca Yacht Club by 6:30 a,m, for registration, orientation, and transportation across the lake by motor boat. The race starts promptly at 7:00 a,m.
Swimming is one way of participating in the fund raiser. There are other volunteer opportunities available for both men and women:
If you are an experienced canoeist, kayaker, or power boater or if you are a certified lifeguard and can volunteer your support in the flotilla, please contact Jack Stewart at 272-7924.
Your financial support is always welcome. Please send your check (made out to Hospicare) or deliver your cash in person to Lana Lomber in the admissions office, 100 Job Hall (274-3124). Some of the IC lifeguards are interested in participating and your sponsorship would help them tremendously.
Join Becky, IC women's crew coach, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon in the indoor pool, or Alanna after work at the outdoor pool. It's a great way to get in shape and to support a worthy cause. Contact Hospicare (272- 0212) or Alanna (272-8530, x 23) if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Becky Robinson '88, '95 and Alanna Downey Fontanella '73
Contributed by Becky Robinson '88, '95 and Alanna Downey Fontanella '73