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A total of 16 Ithaca College teams have received Empire 8 Team Academic Awards for the spring 2004 semester from the conference.

Ithaca's 16 teams led the conference; Ithaca also had the most varsity teams honored when the conference announced its fall 2003 Team Academic Awards.

Empire 8 Team Academic Awards are given to teams whose members compile a grade-point average of 3.200 for the spring 2004 semester. Ithaca's men's basketball, women's basketball, women's crew, women's cross country, field hockey, gymnastics, women's lacrosse, men's swimming & diving, women's swimming & diving, women's soccer, softball, men's tennis, women's tennis, women's indoor track & field, women's outdoor track & field, and volleyball teams each received Empire 8 Team GPA awards.

Last month a school-record 95 Ithaca athletes were named to the Empire 8 Presidents' List, which honored athletes who maintained a GPA of at least 3.75 for the spring 2004 semester.

Contributed by Michael Warwick

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