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Library Staff Changes

Contributed by Lisabeth Chabot on 08/11/04 

I am pleased to announce that Andrew Darby and Karin Wikoff have recently joined the staff of the Library.

Andrew, as web services librarian, will coordinate the ongoing development of the library's web presence; including design, development, and evaluation. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Andrew was most recently employed at the University of Houston.

After several years on the staff of the library at Wells College, Karen joins the library as electronic resources librarian -- she will coordinate and support the acquisition, processing, and maintenance of electronic resources for the library.

Finally, with some regret, I am very pleased to announce that Liz Wavle, associate college librarian, has accepted the position of college librarian at Elmira College. Liz has most capably served the IC library for the past six years, overseeing the migration to a new library system, the restructuring of the library's technical and access services units, and the introduction of numerous electronic library resources. Please join me in congratulating Liz as she leaves IC to assume this well deserved opportunity.

Contributed by Lisabeth Chabot

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