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Online Payslips for Students

Contributed by Barbara Barnes on 08/13/04 

We are pleased to announce an enhancement to Parnassus for our student employees.

Beginning with the first pay of the fall semester on September 10, 2004, student employees will be able to access their payslip online.

On September 7, student employees will receive an e-mail describing the procedure to access their payslips. For the first two pays of the fall semester -- September 10 and 24 -- students will still receive printed direct deposit advices. Effective with the October 8 pay, the payroll office will cease printing those advices for student employees.

This new enhancement will save a good deal of time for supervisors, the payroll office, and students, provide a convenience for student employees, and be kinder to the environment. It's a win-win for everyone!

Contributed by Barbara Barnes

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