Welcome to 2004-2005 at IC


Contributed by David Maley

Welcome to the 2004-2005 school year and to Intercom, the faculty and staff information center for Ithaca College. Through Intercom, all campus employees can learn about news, events, and developments across South Hill as well as receive news and notices from their IC colleagues.

What makes Intercom special is that you make it work. The stories are submitted by you and your colleagues so that everyone can know about the latest accomplishments, events, and opportunities taking place throughout the Ithaca College community. And it's updated continually, as new stories are submitted.

Helping to keep you abreast of this news is the "Roundup," an e-mail digest of the latest submissions to Intercom that is sent to all employees twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays). We'd like to remind everyone that, regardless of how often roundups are sent, the best way to stay abreast of campus happenings is to visit the Intercom website frequently -- you'll find new items posted there throughout the week.

If you'd rather that only members of the IC community be able to read what you contribute, you can use one of the recently added sections -- "Community Connections" or "Among Friends" -- which are only available to logged-in IC employees. The Community Connections section is intended for information about involvements that IC people have in the wider community. And, in the Among Friends section, anything goes that would be reasonable to share among friends -- personal milestones, births, weddings, significant achievements outside work, complaints or suggestions about Intercom, comments on what others have written, etc.

These topics are only available to those visitors to Intercom who log in. We hope that more IC staff will make a habit of logging in for these new sections as well as to contribute regular news to other Intercom sections.

Events Calendar

Another resource to help keep you up-to-date on campus events and visitors is our online events calendar, which has a link on the College's home page. Again, the success of this resource depends on you. When you enter your confirmed event on this calendar, you're publicizing it to all visitors to the site. Seeing when and where other events are listed will help maximize your planning while encouraging participation and attendance at your event. This also should help everyone avoid schedule conflicts, which often force potential audience members to choose between two or more great events on campus.

Campus Resources Online

All official IC websites can be found through the site index. For starters, here's a smattering of what's offered on campus through our website and Intercom:

News and Information
Intercom -- the faculty and staff information center

Event Planning and Listings
News Releases
Events Calendar

Campus Announcements
I.C. Square is Open! Based on a design incorporating elements from the historical Boardman House (from Ithaca College's years in downtown Ithaca), the old Food Court and Pub/Coffee House areas in the Campus Center entire area have been revitalized.
Intercom: "IC Square Opens"

Special Events
In 2003 we launched the First-Year Reading Initiative, a program designed to introduce our incoming students to the Ithaca College community of learners. This year's selection was Sandra Steingraber's Living Downstream: A Scientist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment. Students, along with volunteer faculty and staff facilitators, will discuss the book in join sessions on Tuesday, August 24. A distinguished visiting scholar at the College, Steingraber will deliver a free public lecture on the legacy of fellow ecologist and author Rachel Carson on Tuesday, September 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites.
Intercom: "Updated Web Page for First-Year Reading Initiative"

The start of the fall semester is an exciting time for our campus. Our calendar is chock-full of events meant to offer a little something for everyone, especially students past and present. Here is some information on just a sampling of activities taking place in the next few weeks.

Exhibits, entertainment, and information from Ithaca College, Cornell University, Tompkins Cortland Community College, and local volunteer organizations will be offered on the downtown Ithaca Commons. Taking place from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., it will provide an engaging introduction to the local community. A free shuttle bus will make round trips to the Commons beginning at 1:00 p.m. from the Textor flagpole and the Towers.

Intercom: "Convocation and CommUNITY Picnic"

Faculty and Staff Benefits

Aside from being a great place to get an education, IC is also a great place to work. In building on that reputation, campus administrators continue to add perks for our working community here on South Hill. These links give you a taste of what's offered:

Intercom: "HR Rolls Out New Discounts Web Page"

Intercom: "Center for Faculty Excellence Opens for Fall"

General Information on Benefits

Wellness and Well-Being

Working on a campus that sits atop a hill almost guarantees you'll get some type of workout on a regular basis. But for those who want to add to their exercise regimen, IC has options for you:

Intercom: "Ithaca College Wellness Clinic"

Information Technology Services

The Office of Information Technology Services keeps members of the campus community connected to their work and to all aspects of the information superhighway. Here are some recent notices that all faculty and staff members should be aware of:

Intercom: Microsoft Announces Major Update for Windows XP

Intercom: "CorporateTime Archive of Information"

Intercom: "Fix-it Friday Hours for Academic Year"

Intercom: "New Webmail System"

Athletics and Entertainment

Weekdays, weeknights, weekends -- pick any time! -- you'll most likely find something to your liking on campus. IC's students bring some of the area's top sports, musical, and stage performances to South Hill. And the College's reputation attracts internationally known visitors for special appearances. To find out the latest, visit these links often:

Community Caring

Through the advocacy of President Williams, community service is an integral part of the IC experience. Information at these links can help open doors to volunteer endeavors that make a difference on South Hill and in the Ithaca area.


The nitty-gritty of running a campus with nearly 8,000 people is spelled out in the Ithaca College Policy Manual. And the student handbook is now online exclusively. These policies address many of the dos and don'ts for life and work at IC.

Social Networking and Professional Enrichment

For information on these and other staff development programs for employees, contact Mary Tomaselli, 274-3245.

Contributed by David Maley

