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Professor Paul Russell, Department of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, will present a talk titled "Irreligion and Hume's Treatise" on Wednesday, September 1, 2004, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Friends 207.

Sponsored by the Ithaca College Department of Philosophy and Religion, the talk will attempt to speak to issues relevant to 17th-century philosophy (in terms of influences on Hume) as well as the philosophy of religion, moral philosophy, and free will. The talk will be geared for a general audience and is designed to help make it relevant to several of the seminars that the Philosophy and Religion department at Ithaca College is offering this term.

Contributed by Michael McKenna

British Columbia Professor to Speak on "Irreligion and Hume's Treatise" | 0 Comments |
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