The latest facility addition to the Ithaca College campus is now complete and in the process of being occupied.
As an interim measure to address the College's need for additional office space, a temporary structure was constructed over the summer near Dillingham Center and Smiddy Hall. The College has approval from the Town of Ithaca to use the building and the existing Administrative Annex for up to five years. The new facility has been named Boardman Place, a historical reference to the days when the College was located in downtown Ithaca. For many years the College had offices in the Boardman House, which still exists in Dewitt Park.
Boardman Place will be occupied by people working on the Student Information System Project, for the Office of Sports Information, faculty members in the School of Humanities and Sciences, and others yet to be determined. Members of the campus community are encouraged to stop by and see this temporary, but very nice, addition to the campus.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house are being planned and will be announced when more details are available.
Contributed by Carl Sgrecci