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Resources to support service learning will be the focus of a meeting on Tuesday, August 31, 8:00-9:00 a.m., in the North Meeting Room, third floor of the Campus Center. Open to all, this is part of the follow-up to the June Summer Faculty Institute on Civic Engagement through Service Learning. Our guest will be Kevin Michael Day, director of the New York Campus Compact.

Academic service learning involves civic engagement and enhanced academic learning through relevant and meaningful service. Experiences can be a unit within a course, an optional assignment, a freestanding course, and many variations. The service context might be closely related to the course content or it can serve as an avenue for relating the academic content to personal experience. Characterized by reflection, academic credit is for learning, not for the service itself.

Anyone interested in service learning, having attended the summer institute or not, is welcome at this and other meetings. For additional information and resources, please contact Terry Martinez, director of the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, or Susanne Morgan, Center for Faculty Excellence.

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Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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