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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce its first exhibition of the 2004 -2005 academic year. "Image/Word: The Intersection of Art and Literature" opens Thursday, September 2.

"Image/Word" features prints by Salvador Dali as well as contemporary book art by Nancy Callahan, Judith Levey-Kurlander and Zevi Blum, Buzz Spector, Susan Weisend, and artists from the Wells College Book Art Center.

The public is invited to attend the opening reception from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on September 2. The exhibition runs through September 26 and there will be artist's talks in the gallery at 12:10 p.m. on September 16 and 23.

For further information please contact Cheryl Kramer, gallery director, at 274-3548

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer

Handwerker Gallery Opens New Season | 0 Comments |
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