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The Office of Career Services would like to announce that four scholarships are now available for students who are interested in taking a Kaplan preparation course.

If you are working with any student planning to take the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, or GMAT exam within the next year, these scholarships provide full tuition for the relevant test preparation class. One scholarship is available for each test preparation course. Scholarship recipients may participate in the preparation class of their choice at the Kaplan office here in Ithaca and must enroll in a course within one year of the award. Note that if students have already enrolled in a Kaplan class for the current semester, this scholarship could be used to reimburse tuition already paid.

For planning purposes, note that a second round of scholarships will be offered in the spring semester.

A short application is required and may be picked up from the career services office in 1101 Gannett Center. All completed application materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 20.

This scholarship program is sponsored by the Office of Career Services and KAPLAN Educational Centers.

For additional information, contact our office at 274-3365.

Contributed by Tracey Cross-Baker

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