Tracey Cross-Baker, associate director of career services began her term as president of the College Student Personnel Association of New York State, Inc. (CSPA) in June of this year.
CSPA is a 365- member organization committed to providing high-quality, local professional development opportunities to its members and student affairs colleagues across the state. CSPA as an organization is committed to advancing the knowledge and personal and professional development of a diverse group of student affairs educators on public and independent colleges and universities through state and regional involvement.
CSPA is one of the most active of the state divisions within the American College Personnel Association. CSPA New York State was also the first of 32 chartered state divisions for ACPA. CSPA will hold its annual convention in October over which Tracey will preside.
Some of Tracey's previous involvements with CSPA include:
- Liaison to ACPA Standing Committee for Women, 2001-2002
- Member-at-large, 2002-2003 -- cofounder of Student Affairs Managers in Training series
- President-elect, 2003-2004
Congratulations Tracey and best of luck!
Contributed by John Bradac