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Weight Watchers Sign-up Deadline

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 09/08/04 

The deadline to join up for the next Weight Watchers at Work program is approaching!

All registrations and payments must be given to Anne Woodard by 3:00 pm on Thursday, September 14. Want to join but low on cash? Remember that the fee of $159 can be split into 2 equal payments of $79.50. In all cases the first payment will be deposited September 16 and the second two weeks later. Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card (Discover, Visa, or MasterCard).

Are you on the fence and not sure whether this is money well spent? Here is what some of our members have to say about the program:

"I love the ease of the program and the fact that I do not have to lose a parking space to get to meetings! I had almost given up hope of losing weight before joining this program."

"Weight Watchers has changed my life. I can walk faster, can fit into smaller sizes, and generally feel better. It is a nice break during my work day."

"I have made Weight Watchers a priority in my life. For me, the accountability of sharing goals reached and frustrations faced with others in the IC community is a real boost. The program is fun and easy!"

Please join us and see what a difference this program can make in your life.

Contributed by Anne Woodard

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