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Project Look Sharp's latest publication, Media Construction of Presidential Campaigns, is now available for sale through the Center for Media Literacy/GPN.

Media Construction of Presidential Campaigns is a multimedia curriculum kit that teachers can use to approach the history of U.S. elections in a way that will prepare high school and college students to think critically about historical, political, and ethical issues related to media and democracy.

The kit includes over 140 historic media documents -- ranging from bumper stickers and political cartoons to recordings of old-time campaign songs and video clips from televised debates -- from 26 presidential elections. The 432-page teacher's guide contains background information on each election, handouts for students, document-based question assessments, a timeline of media-related events and inventions, and both chronological and thematic frameworks for covering the material.

For more information about the kit or about Project Look Sharp, a media literacy visit Project Look Sharp.

Contributed by Hilary Merlin

Kit on Presidential Campaigns Now Available | 0 Comments |
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