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IC Choice Award Program

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 09/13/04 

Please take a few minutes to read about this opportunity to recognize a person or group of employees for their significant contributions.

The IC Choice Award is designed to reward those individuals or a group of employees, who through their own initiative, commitment, support, and/or accomplishment have contributed greatly to the College's success or who have made a difference in the lives of students, employees, or other members of the Ithaca College community.

Do you know someone who has demonstrated these traits? If so, please take a moment to nominate this person or group of employees for an IC Choice Award.

All staff members are eligible to participate, but to be considered for one of these awards, an employee must be nominated by a supervisor, a coworker, a faculty colleague, student, or be self-nominated. The nomination will need to show accomplishment in at least one of the following criteria categories:

  • Initiative -- This criterion is used to recognize individual creativity in proposing new or improved work methods, ideas, projects, or approaches that contribute positively to individual or department results.
  • Commitment -- This criterion is intended to reward individuals who demonstrate commitment to their department and the College by regularly making a full and positive contribution for a number of years.
  • Support -- This criterion recognizes individuals for giving their talents and efforts in support of others in an extraordinary way.
  • Accomplishment -- This criterion recognizes individuals for creating and/or producing a substantive project or program for a department or the College.

Nominations can be made online at IC Choice Nomination

Please clearly articulate the circumstances or the accomplishments achieved by the individual or group that you are nominating. It is important to include specific examples that clearly identify and demonstrate that the nomination meets at least one of the criteria outlined above. The nomination should be a half page to one page in length or no more than 500 words.

If you are not comfortable submitting your nomination online, please submit your nomination in writing and address it to the Review Panel, care of Cindy Reckdenwald, Office of Human Resources.

All nominations must be received by October 8 in order to be considered for this round of IC Choice Awards. In the event a nomination was submitted last semester, but was not selected, you should resubmit the nomination if you would like it to be considered for a 2004 award.

After nominations are closed on October 8, a review panel will be selected from a list of volunteers. Staff members who are nominated and selected to receive an award for their distinguished performance or contributions will receive $1,000. In the event a group of employees are nominated and selected, each member of the group will receive $250.

For more information regarding the IC Choice Awards program and a list of past recipients, please visit our website or feel free to contact Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation and Organizational Design.

  • IC Choice Awards

  • Contributed by Cindy Reckdenwald

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