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On Monday, October 4, two Israeli women academics and peace activists -- one a Palestinian-Arab Muslim and the other Jewish -- will speak at IC.

They will deliver a joint lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Emerson B, on their diverse and shared experiences working for a just peace and women's rights in Israel. They will also speak as part of an open session of the anthropology class "Israel: Ethnicity, Politics and Culture" at 4:00 p.m. on the same day in Emerson A.

Students, faculty, staff, and the public are welcome to attend both events.

Safa Abu Rabia has an MA degree in anthropology from Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheba where she grew up in a Bedouin-Palestinian family. She currently teaches political science at the university and coordinates the Bedouin Women's Empowerment Program.

Hannah Safran is a long-time feminist activist and educator in Haifa. She has a PhD in women's studies from Haifa University and teaches there.

Both women are active in the Israeli women's peace movement. Their U.S. lecture tour is sponsored by FFIPP -- Faculty for Israeli Palestinian Peace.

The events are presented by the Jewish Studies program, cosponsored by Hillel, the Office of the Provost, the Departments of Anthropology, Sociology and Politics, Friends of Israel, Students for a Just Peace, the Diversity Awareness Committee, Interfaith Council, and Ithaca's Congregation Kol Haverim.

Contributed by Barbara C. Johnson, Coordinator of Jewish Studies

Jewish and Arab Israeli Women Speak Out for Peace | 0 Comments |
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