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A fall tradition, the Ithaca College Choral Collage takes place at 3:00 pm on Sunday, October 3, in Ford Hall.

This free concert features all the School of Music's curricular vocal ensembles -- the Ithaca College Choir and Madrigal Singers conducted by Lawrence Doebler, the Women's Chorale and Chorus conducted by Janet Galván, and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble, led by Lauri Robinson-Keegan.

The Chorus, which later this year will sing Handel's Messiah with the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra, will sing a chorus from that work, along with Fauré's Cantique de Jean Racine and some music from non-Western cultures. The Vocal Jazz Ensemble sings a cappella jazz, including a piece by former director David Riley.

The Madrigal Singers offer a program of English madrigals, and the choir sings music entitled Sleep, Whispers of Heavenly Death, and the spiritual Wade in the Water.

For more information, call 274-3717.

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck

Annual Choral Collage This Sunday Afternoon | 0 Comments |
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