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Office Supplies

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 09/27/04 

To: All department office supplies purchasers
From: Gail Wagner, purchasing department
Re: Office supplies alternative - Boise Office Solutions

The purchasing department is pleased to announce an alternate office supplies company, Boise Office Solutions. Boise may be accessed on line at their website to compare pricing and/or to place on-line orders with your departmental procurement VISA card. Boise offers free next-day delivery, no minimum order -- and as an introductory incentive, you will receive a one-time $15.00 credit on your first Boise order (see #6 below).

Please print the instructions below and follow them carefully to open your Boise account. Call Gail Wagner at ext. 41482 for a Boise Office Solutions catalog, for an official "Boise User Guide", or if you need further assistance. We hope that you will enjoy this additional office supplies alternative.

Accessing the on-line Boise Office Solutions/IC ordering system:

  1. Type the following website:
    Username: (your last name lower case followed by ic with no spaces (example: smithic)
    Password: bos1
    (A confidential "PIN" number will be emailed to you after you log on for the first time. Please record your PIN for future reference next time you log on to Boise. You may use this PIN to log on in place of your username.) Bookmark this website.
  2. Validate your personal information, embed your VISA procurement card number, and change your password by selecting the gray "Your Profile" tab at the top of the page:
    1. Contact Name: Verify that this information is correct.
    2. User Name and Password: We strongly recommend you keep your current username (your last name with ic suffix as it currently is assigned. Example: "smithic"). Please change your password.

      Note: Your new password must contain between 4-15 characters and include at least one number. We recommend you record your username, password and PIN somewhere safe in case you forget them.
    3. Billing and Shipping: Select your ship-to building from the list provided, type in your departmental procurement card number. Then click on "Submit" and enter your room number and floor and click on "Submit". Be sure to insert your room # and floor and click on "Submit".
Contributed by Gail Wagner

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