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The Ithaca College ID Express off campus program is pleased to welcome Sammy's Pizzeria and Restaurant on the Commons in Center Ithaca.

Please remember that you can use your ID Express account for delivery orders at any of the participating vendors.

  • Sammy's Pizzeria and Restaurant -- 272-2666
  • Franco's Italian Restaurant/Rogan's -- 257-3603
  • Italian Carry Out -- 256-1111
  • King's Subs -- 277-7191
  • Papa John's Pizza -- 273-7272
  • DP Dough -- 277-7772
  • Wings Over Ithaca -- 256-9464
Simply call one of the participating vendors, use your ID card over the phone, and then present your card to the delivery person when they bring your order.

Any faculty or staff member can set up an ID Express account at the bursar's office in Job Hall, the ID office in the Terrace Dining Hall, or the services office on the third floor of the Campus Center.

Contributed by David Prunty

ID Express Off Campus Welcomes Sammy's on the Commons | 0 Comments |
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