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Enjoy a weekend full of entertainment, athletics, and Ithaca College spirit during Homecoming 2004.

Laugh the night away with three IC alumni who are professional standup comedians at the Alumni Comedy Show, at 8:30 pm, Friday, in the IC Square.

Network with alumni and help students with career tips at the Alumni and Student Networking Brunch, 11:00 am-12:30:00 pm, Saturday in the Dillingham Lobby.

Congratulate last year's seniors for their contribution to the new IC Square at the Class of '04 gift dedication, after the football game in the IC Square.

Cheer for Ithaca at the football, field hockey, and men's soccer games.

Win fun prizes like a kayak, mountain bike, or Buffalo Bills game tickets at the alumni tent outside the football game from 11:30 am-2:00 pm.

Join the Office of Multicultural Affairs at the Professionals Symposium, all weekend.

For complete information, including a schedule, see Homecoming 2004.

For additional information call Sean Vormwald in the Office of Alumni Relations at 274-3826.

Contributed by Sean Vormwald

Homecoming This Weekend, October 1-3 | 0 Comments |
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