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Noon-time presentations are cosponsored by multiple campus organizations in the upcoming events in the Colloquium Series of the Center for Faculty Excellence.

They include

  • IC Natural Stewardship Task Group Report (Sustainability Café series)
    Jason Hamilton, Department of Biology, and Rick Couture, Physical Plant
    Thursday, September 30, Clark Lounge, 12:10-1:00 pm
  • Student Health and Alcohol Behavior: Recent Findings and National Comparisons
    David Newman, Director, Health Center, and Priscilla Quirk, Coordinator of Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention
    Tuesday, October 5, Klingenstein Lounge, 12:10-1:00 pm
  • Research and Curriculum at IC on Aging (cosponsored by the Gerontology Institute)
    John Krout and Ggerontology affiliates
    Thursday, October 7, CHS 413, 12:10-1:00 pm -- note change of location
The events are open to all and all are welcome to bring lunch. Coffee and fruits/vegetables and cookies are provided. Please come even if you must arrive late or leave early.

Some dates in November are still open; contact Susanne Morgan if you have a presentation to share.

Center for Faculty Excellence

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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