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The second annual Ithaca College Veterans Day celebration will be held from 12:05-1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 11, in the Emerson Suites.

This free event will feature the Ithaca College Brass Choir, Premium Blend (an a cappella group), Graham Stewart '81, '01, and Jesse Sprole '04, as well as Air Force ROTC from Cornell and Ithaca College.

Featured speakers will be Korean war veteran (US Army) and retired math professor Douglas Armstrong, and Timothy Merritt, currently an IC staff employee and US Air Force Veteran of three recent Middle East conflicts.

The Veterans Committee also maintains a list of people associated with Ithaca College who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces. If you would like to have you name added to this list, please send your name, branch of service, IC affiliation (student, faculty, administration; if alum, include year of graduation) and military affiliation to Please submit your name by October 22 to have it included in this year's Veterans Day celebration program. (If you have already submitted your name, there is no need to resubmit it.)

The purpose of Veterans Day is to show appreciation to the 48 million Americans who have served honorably in the military since 1776. There are currently about 25 million living veterans. Please join us in thanking these special men and women.

We hope you will plan on attending this wonderful event, and encourage your students to attend as well.

Contributed by Irene Scott (

Second Annual Ithaca College Veterans Day Celebration | 0 Comments |
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