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Once again the noontime Colloquium Series offers a variety of interesting and engaging programs.

Tuesday, October 19: Patricia Bevilacqua, health behavior and physical education, presents: "Using Arts-based Methods as a form of Professional Development"

Diamond and Mullen (1999) assert "arts-based narrative inquiry is a form of qualitative research that powerfully promotes the development of teacher researchers through deepening their understanding of the experience of self and others. Perspectives can be transformed and human learning can be renewed when teacher researchers use arts-based textual strategies (journals, poetry, images, dialogue) to reflect on experience and invite others to respond to these inquires" (p. 18). For this colloquium participants are encouraged to bring paper and pencil.

This talk is in the DeMotte Room on the lower level of the South side of the Campus Center from 12:10 to 1:00.

Thursday, October 21: we present another Sustainability Cafe, featuring Richard Buchanan of Carnegie-Mellon University. His topic is "Designing for Sustainability." See Intercom Sustainability Café Speaker: Richard Buchanan, October 21 for more information.

Tuesday October 26: Several anthropology students attended the opening of the Museum of the American Indian last month, and will present with their sponsors, Brooke Olson and Jack Rossen. (See Students Attend Opening of Museum of the American Indian.)

Thursday, October 28: In the final October colloquium, Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, physics, and Francis Vanek of Ecovillage will discuss options for wind energy at Ithaca College.

For more information on these presentations, or to propose a Colloquium, please contact Susanne Morgan of the Center for Faculty Excellence.

Center for Faculty Excellence

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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