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Michael A. Battle '77, the US attorney for the Western District of New York, will speak at Ithaca College on "Fighting Terrorism and Prosecutorial Power" at 4:00 p.m. in Emerson C on Thursday, October 21.

Michael Battle has received many awards in recognition of his contributions to his community, including those from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Minority Bar Association, the Buffalo News Citizens of the Year, Black Achievers in Industry, and the Distinguished Alumni Award for Community Service from the University of Buffalo Law School. In addition, he has served as a Visiting Multicultural Fellow at Ithaca College.

For background on Battle, see the Ithaca College Quarterly, ". . . And for the People, Michael Battle" (winter 1996).

Battle's public presentation is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Legal Studies Program, the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies, and the School of Business.

Contributed by Tanya R. Saunders

US Attorney Michael Battle to Speak at Ithaca College | 0 Comments |
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