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Staples/Purchasing Lunch 'n Learn

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 10/27/04 

The Ithaca College purchasing department and Staples Business Advantage are pleased to cosponsor another Lunch 'n Learn Office Products Seminar on Tuesday, November 2, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Emerson Suites A.

This seminar is open to college employees who buy office supply products and are interested in a program of discussions and product demonstrations. This seminar will also provide organizational tools and tips to enhance productivity and recommend ideas that may save time and money.

The seminar will include a pizza lunch, beverages, dessert, and lots of terrific samples and door prizes.

Attendance is limited. RSVP to Gail Wagner, purchasing department, by Thursday, October 28, to assure your reservation.

Contributed by Gail Wagner

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