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Have a question about the draft? About what it's like to enlist? To be trained to take another person's life? To watch your good friend die?

U.S. army combat veterans of three wars -- World War II, the Vietnam War, and Gulf War -- will be on campus to share their powerful stories next Wednesday, October 27, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in Emerson Suite B.

"War Through My Eyes: Veterans Share Their Stories" is hosted by Students for a Just Peace with help from many campus offices and departments.

At this important time in history, when the United States is at war and might be engaged in armed conflict for quite some time, this is an invaluable opportunity to hear firsthand what it's like to serve in active duty in the U.S. military.

Al Donahue, John Kimball, and Charles Sheehan-Miles will each speak about their experiences, and then the floor will be open to questions.

Don't miss this great chance to converse with those who have experienced war up close and personal.

Contributed by Maura Stephens

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