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Advising Workshop Wednesday

Contributed by David Dresser on 10/20/04 

The third in a series of advising workshops will be held Wednesday, October 27, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Library (319 Gannett Center). The topic will be "Registration at Ithaca: On-line."

All faculty members are invited. This is essentially the same workshop that is provided for orientation advisers each summer. It will teach faculty the procedure that students follow to register for courses using Degree Navigator.

This will be an interactive workshop led by Assistant Registrar Denise Benjamin McDermitt. The workshop series is cosponsored by the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Academic Achievement and Advising Services.

Faculty members planning to attend are asked to e-mail David Dresser by noon on Tuesday, October 26. This will enable him to provide sufficient computers, materials, and refreshments. Each participant will need his/her Web ID and Web PAC.

Contributed by David Dresser

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