The student group prism would like to make newly updated Safe Space cards available to interested faculty and staff:
Dear faculty or staff members,
My name is Aaron Escobedo and I am the Education Committee Chair for prism (formerly known as BIGAYLA).
I am writing in order to let you know that prism has re-evaluated the "Safe Space" cards, and has created a new design. A Safe Space card may be placed on your door, bulletin board, or any visible area outside your office. By displaying this card, you will let everyone know that you are open to and supportive of the sexual and gender minority community.
On a campus where a significant amount of the student body identifies with a sexual or gender minority group, these simple cards send a powerful message. So, if you would like to replace those old Safe Space cards, or would like to extend a supportive hand for the first time, please contact Aaron Escobedo, Education Committee chair, prism, 607-375-5297, and give your name and the on-campus address to which you would like the card delivered.
Contributed by Lisa Maurer