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Rape Aggression Defense Class

Contributed by Amy Noble on 10/22/04 

Ithaca College Office of Public Safety is offering Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) self defense courses to women students, staff, and faculty as well as female spouses and children of community members.

RAD wants to give women the ability to fight back in a threatening situation. This comprehensive course consists of four three-hour sessions that include lectures and discussions on risk awareness, risk prevention, risk reduction, risk avoidance and basic hands-on defense training.

The RAD system teaches women realistic, practical self defense tactics and techniques and gives them the knowledge to make an educated decision about their personal defense. To learn more, visit R.A.D. Systems.

The outline for the class is as follows:

  • •Day 1-Consists of; Registration, Classroom instruction and introduction of stances. This class will be held on Friday November 5th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at the Office of Public Safety in the conference room.
  • Day 2-Consists of; Review and Introduction to Strikes and Kicking Techniques, also implementing the use of Self Defense Pads used to practice kicks and strikes. This class will be held on Saturday November 6th from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, at the Wellness Center in the Center for Health Science Building.
  • Day 3- Consists of; Review and Practice of self-defense Techniques and instruction, Teaching Breakaway Techniques and Ground defense. This class will be held on Saturday November 13th from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, at the Hill Center Gym in the Dance Studio.
  • Day 4- Consists of; Warm up, then defend yourself against Instructors suited up in Red Man Gear, who will introduce you to various attempted abduction scenarios. This class will be held on Friday December 3rd from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at the Hill Center Gym in the Dance Studio.

The first three days are mandatory in order to receive your certificate, which allows you to attend any future training free of charge anywhere in the country.

There is a $10 fee for the self-defense manual that will be distributed at the first class. If you are interested in taking the course there are informational RAD pamphlets in the brochure rack by the information desk for people to fill out and send in.

If you have any questions please contact the office of Public Safety at 274-3333 or e-mail our instructor Master Security Officer Amy J. Chilson.

Contributed by Amy J. Chilson

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