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The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity has announced its 2005 Prize in Ethics Essay Contest. Full-time juniors and seniors are encouraged to write essays of 3.000 to 4,000 words in which they analyze ethical questions and concerns facing today's complex society.

First, second, third, and honorable mention prizes are $5,000, $2,500, $1,500, and $500, respectively. The postmark deadline for entries is December 3, 2004.

Suggested topics are:

  • What is terrorism and what is the ethical response to it?

  • How is ethics a source of hope, and hope a source of ethics?

  • Examine the ethical aspects or implications of a major literary work, film, or a significant piece of art.

  • Reflect on the most profound moral dilemma you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about ethics.

Each applicant needs a faculty sponsor. Any faculty member may serve as a sponsor and all are urged to encourage thoughtful students to apply.

Guidelines and an entry form are available on-line at Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.

Contributed by David Dresser

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