The 2004 NYSOTA Conference Committee is pleased to announce Friday, November 5, as Ithaca College Day at the annual New York State Occupational Therapy Conference being held in Rochester.
The School of Health Science and Human Performance has contributed funding to sponsor this day's events.
The day's workshops will include a presentation by Diane Long, associate professor of occupational therapy at Ithaca College, entitled Facts and Fiction: An Update on Normal Development.
Other program offerings on this day include:
- Understanding and Managing Low Vision Deficits,
presented by Mitchell Scheimann, OD, and Maxine Scheimann, OTR
- Transforming Teaching: Redesigning Instruction for Graduate Curricula in the Health Professions,
presented by Maralynne D. Mitcham PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Barb Hooper, PhD, OTR
- Learning the Tools for the Trade: applying AT Outcome Measures to Clinical Research,
by James Lenker MS, OTR/L, ATP
- Ergonomics for Therapist and Health Professionals,
by Karen Jacobs EdD, CPE, FAOTA
- Feeding and Oral-Motor Issues in Early Intervention -- A Collaborative Model involving OT and Speech,
presented by Joan Fisher OTR and Karen Stolt SLP
In addition to these informational workshops there will be the exhibit hall opening with a walk-around lunch, keynote address by Maralynne Mitcham and the annual president's reception. A complimentary continental breakfast will also be provided.
For more information about speakers on other days, workshop fees, registration, and conference location go to Welcome to NYSOTA.
Contributed by Donna Twardowski