The Ithaca Brass, the resident brass quintet at Ithaca College's School of Music, will give a free concert on Thursday, November 11, at 8:15 in the Hockett Family Recital Hall.
The concert will feature four members of the ensemble in various combinations: Frank Campos and Kim Dunnick, trumpets; Alex Shuhan, French horn; and David Unland, tuba and euphonium.
The Ithaca Brass was established in 1966 making the quintet one of the very first groups of its kind. Since then the Ithaca Brass has performed programs throughout the United States at regional, state, and national conferences of educators and professional music organizations.
The Ithaca Brass is responsible for several commissions including works by Chuck Mangione and Malcolm Lewis, and they have recorded on the Mark Records and Golden Crest labels. Each of the members of the quintet, which is composed of the Ithaca College brass faculty, has significant credentials as a performer and teacher, and the group is conversant in virtually every musical language ranging from classical to jazz.
For further information about any Ithaca College concert, call 274-3717.
Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck