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The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute fall workshop series concludes on Wednesday, November 10.

"Doorway Thoughts: Crossing the Threshold to Cultural Competence" will be the presentation by Sharon A. Brangman, MD, division chief, geriatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Dr. Brangman's interactive workshop will examine the issues of cultural competence in the health care setting. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own cultural heritage and see how culture and ethnicity shape our perceptions of health and disease. We will explore the issue of health care disparities in this country, and how culturally competent medical care influences the quality of care patients receive.

There is a fee for this workshop. Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students may attend the workshop free of charge on a space available basis. Advance registration is required. Registrations are available on the workshop series website.

Gerontology Institute Workshop Series
Printable registration form (PDF 64KB)

If you have questions about registration, call 274-3143; with questions about content, call 274-1967.

Contributed by Terry Beckley

Cultural Competence in the Health Care Setting | 0 Comments |
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