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Students and faculty from the Department of Therapeutic Recreation and Leisure Services delivered three presentations at the Cortland Recreation Conference on November 4-5.

Carolyn Clarvoe, leisure services major, coordinated and facilitated a panel presentation entitled "More Than Games: Defending Your Recreation and Leisure Profession." Panel members included faculty members Margie Arnold and Norm Pure, as well as Tom Murray, owner of Courtside Racquet and Fitness Club.

Mathew Finucane, a leisure services major, also joined Margie Arnold in a presentation entitled "Who-Ah! Get Your Rewards and Incentives Here."

Jacy McFall and Stephanie White, Therapeutic Recreation majors, joined faculty member Linda Heyne in a presentation called "Building Social Connections for Young Adults With Disabilities." Cris Donovan and Sheila Foote from the Franziska Racker Centers also contributed to the educational session.

Contributed by Lana Morse

TRLS Students and Faculty Present at Conference | 0 Comments |
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