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ICTV, WICB-FM and the Ithacan received national recognition at the College Media Advisers fall conference in Nashville last weekend.

In the Associated Collegiate Press' on-site best of show competition, ICTV's NewsWatch 16 won best television news program. The Ithacan won second place among 49 entries in the four-year weekly tabloid newspaper division and was a finalist in the prestigious Pacemakers competition.

Collegiate Broadcasters Inc., representing students involved in radio, television, and webcasting, sponsored the National Student Production Awards. Ithaca winners by category were:

  • Best radio feature
    Hold On: Breaking the Silence, on the topic of depression and suicide
    Produced by members of the 2003-2004 radio news team
  • Best radio sports play by play
    IC Basketball
    Announcers Ed Cohen '05 and Steve Kerwin '06
  • Best TV newscast
    Newswatch 16
    Produced by members of the spring 2004 television news team
  • Best TV news reporting
    Ice Fishing
    Reporter Adam Aurand '04, photographer Peter Busa '05
  • Best video promotion
    Director/animator Robert Edwards '05
  • Best TV technical production
    By the Book, a comedy enacted by hand puppets
    Producer Don Ferlazzo '05
  • Finalist -- radio sports play by play
    IC Football
    Announcers Ed Cohen '05 and Jesse Goldberg-Strassler '04
  • Finalist -- radio promotion
    A promo for Hold On: Breaking the Silence
    Producer Dan Henning '06
  • Finalist -- TV news reporting
    The Rose Inn Fire
    Reporter Evan Axelbank '05, photographer Sean Colahan '04
  • Finalist -- TV sportscast
    Newswatch 16 Sports
    Producers Matt Millson '06 and Ed Cohen '05
  • Finalist -- TV sports play by play
    Football -- Ithaca v. Cortland
    Announcers Chris Onorato '04 and Adam Aurand '04
  • Finalist -- regularly scheduled TV program
    Thirty Minutes, a sketch comedy series
    Producers Chris Caccioppoli '05 and Dave Ferguson '06
  • Finalist -- music video
    Produced by Andrew Rowe '04 and Abhinav Bhat '04
Contributed by Melissa Gattine

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