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Please refer to the following overview for computer and technology planning as you develop your 2005-6 budget submissions.

Details are available in the FY 2005-06 Computer Related Budget Information Memo (PDF).

Cost estimates for budget planning purposes are in the Computer Budget Planning Worksheet (Excel document).

Cycle A computers and cycle 4 network printers will be up for replacement during the 2005-06 fiscal year.

Two changes you should consider as you build your budgets:

  • Speakers and internal zip drives will no longer be provided with technology renewal machines.
  • The budget committee is exploring ways of making the limited technology renewal budget go further and is considering not replacing the LCD monitors that were provided during the last refresh cycle for this next round. In other words, the computers would continue to be replaced every three years, but the monitors would be replaced every 6 years.

Other information:

  • As in the past, changing a computer from a Windows system to a Macintosh, or from a desktop to a laptop requires additional funding (see the memo for details).
  • Computers for new faculty and staff lines, new initiatives, computers not covered under the Technology Renewal Program, peripheral needs (such as printers and scanners) and specialized equipment must be funded by your area's small equipment fund. Please work directly with your Dean's or Vice President's office.
Contributed by Irene Scott

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