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The Fleisher Jolley Tree-O -- formed in 2001 to perform neglected masterpieces -- will give this year's performance in the annual Shirley and Chas Hockett Chamber Music Concert Series at Ithaca College.

Named after two longtime educators, the series honors the Hocketts' love of music and devotion to Ithaca College and its School of Music.

The trio, composed of pianist Leon Fleisher, French hornist David Jolley, and violinist Michael Tree, will give its free concert on Monday, November 29, at 8:15 p.m., in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

Called "doubly unusual and doubly engaging" by the Omaha World Herald, the Fleisher Jolley Tree-O not only gives audiences the chance to hear rarely performed masterworks, but also plays the pieces in new and interesting ways. This versatile combination of musicians can perform horn trio repertoire, violin or French horn sonatas, and solo works for all three instruments. Adding Fleisher's mastery of the lefthand-only piano literature -- an accomplishment made necessary by a repetitive motion injury to his right hand -- brings yet another dimension to this multi-talented group.

The trio's Ford Hall concert will feature Tree and Fleisher performing a Schubert violin sonata, Jolley and Fleisher teaming up for a Beethoven sonata, and the entire trio playing Brahms's Horn Trio in E-flat Major. During their Ithaca visit, members of the trio will also be giving master classes and coaching sessions in the School of Music.

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck

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